vDeskworks Blog
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure & Cloud

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure & CloudWednesday, December 23, 2020 | VDI | Cloud ComputingVirtual Desktop InfrastructureCloud ComputingVirtual Desktop InfrastructureCloud ComputingVirtual Desktop Infrastructure

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a kind of virtualization technology that hosts a desktop operating system on a centralized server in a data center. VDI is a change in the client-server computing model, sometimes referred to as server-based...


Windows 10 Benefits in VDI

Windows 10 Benefits in VDIThursday, December 10, 2020 | VDI | Window 10 VDIWindow 10 Virtual DesktopWindow 10 VDIWindow 10 Virtual DesktopWindow 10 VDIWindow 10 Virtual DesktopWindow 10 VDIWindow 10 Virtual Desktop

A range of advancements in VDI is making virtual computing a reality for many organizations. That needs a way to provide a good user experience, reduce costs, and simplify their end-user computing strategy. An upgrade to Windows 10 is inevitable. ...


Future Report on Desktop as a Service (DaaS) Infrastructure

Future Report on Desktop as a Service (DaaS) InfrastructureFriday, October 23, 2020 | DaaS | DaaS Service ProvidersDaaS Service ProvidersDaaS Service Providers

At the beginning of the computer era, everything was client/server. There will be a massive central computer somewhere serving many users via terminals, a screen, a keyboard, and something modern to communicate with the central computer.


Long Term Benefits of Adopting DaaS Subscription Model

Long Term Benefits of Adopting DaaS Subscription ModelTuesday, October 06, 2020 | DaaS | DaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a ServiceDaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a ServiceDaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a Service

The Desktop as a Service (DaaS) model offers your business greater flexibility along with lower costs. It can free up the IT team to focus on tasks beyond the day-to-day management of devices and focus on productivity only. The concept is simple: ...


VDI for Business Development: Is it Here to Stay After 2020

VDI for Business Development: Is it Here to Stay After 2020 Monday, September 21, 2020 | DaaS | VDI SolutionsVDI providerVDI AzureVDI SolutionsVDI providerVDI AzureVDI SolutionsVDI providerVDI Azure

As COVID-19 has changed the way we live and work, an increasing number of businesses have embraced remote working. With lockdown restrictions imposed in many countries, companies have been unable to operate as they normally would. Fortunately, tec...


DaaS for Business : A Complete Guide for Post-Pandemic Working

DaaS for Business : A Complete Guide for Post-Pandemic WorkingTuesday, August 18, 2020 | DaaS | DaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a ServiceDaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a ServiceDaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a Service

With its flexible user experience, DaaS (Desktop as a Service) is powerfully beneficial for any business working in a team or on computer. While coronavirus has created an uncertain working environment for many, one thing is for sure: DaaS is a co...


What to Look for in a DaaS Provider

What to Look for in a DaaS ProviderWednesday, August 12, 2020 | DaaS | virtual desktop service Virtual Desktop InfrastructureVirtual Desktop Providersvirtual desktop service Virtual Desktop InfrastructureVirtual Desktop Providersvirtual desktop service Virtual Desktop InfrastructureVirtual Desktop Providers

DaaS (Desktop as a Service) has finally matured enough to meet the original promises of VDI's enhanced productivity and optimized management of IT infrastructure, companies have now actively implemented virtual desktops.


Who Needs Virtual Desktop

Who Needs Virtual DesktopTuesday, July 28, 2020 | VDI | Cloud Computingvirtual desktop service Virtual Desktop InfrastructureVirtual Desktop ProvidersCloud Computingvirtual desktop service Virtual Desktop InfrastructureVirtual Desktop ProvidersCloud Computingvirtual desktop service Virtual Desktop InfrastructureVirtual Desktop Providers

Virtual desktops are more than just getting the work done. This technology can be used as a powerful tool that companies can benefit.


DaaS for Your Business

DaaS for Your BusinessMonday, July 20, 2020 | DaaS | DaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a ServiceDaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a ServiceDaaS Service ProvidersDesktop as a Service

These days, DaaS (Desktop as a Service) is a popular buzz word in technology. In the Information Age, many considered it as the Next Best-Thing that’s in the forefront of cloud computing.


Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, vDeskworks, vDesk Works, Virtual Desktops, Desktop as a Service,  virtual desktop solutions

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure - Things to ConsiderWednesday, July 15, 2020 | VDI | VDI providerVDI AzureVirtual Desktop ProvidersVDI providerVDI AzureVirtual Desktop ProvidersVDI providerVDI AzureVirtual Desktop Providers

If you are planning to invest in Desktop as a Service (DaaS), you’ll need to consider some key points: whether you need it, the costs versus the benefits, and what area of your infrastructure to virtualize, etc.


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