vDeskworks Blog
Why are Cloud Desktops Considered the Future of Desktop Computers?

Why are Cloud Desktops Considered the Future of Desktop Computers?Tuesday, July 19, 2022 | | Cloud DesktopsCloud PCsCloud DesktopsCloud PCsCloud DesktopsCloud PCsCloud DesktopsCloud PCs

Cloud-based desktops are just like any other type of computer regarding software and hardware requirements. They're hosted in the cloud, which means they're accessible through a web browser or app on any device with an internet connection.


5 Biggest IT Challenges Solved by Virtual Desktop Computers

5 Biggest IT Challenges Solved by Virtual Desktop Computers Friday, July 15, 2022 | | Virtual DesktopsVirtual Desktopsvirtual desktop computer

As the world is moving towards a technology-rich future, cloud computing is transforming how businesses operate worldwide. In today’s times of remote and hybrid work culture, modern-day enterprises highly depend on virtual desktop computers ...


Remote Desktops For Remote Emoployees

Remote Desktops For Remote EmoployeesMonday, July 11, 2022 | | Desktop as a ServiceRemote DesktopsDesktop as a ServiceRemote DesktopsDesktop as a ServiceRemote Desktops

Job flexibility is popular among millennials and Generation Z. Several companies in this age have thousands of employees working remotely, while others have agents located worldwide. However, small organizations typically struggle to track remote ...


What is Cloud DaaS?

What is Cloud DaaS?Thursday, July 07, 2022 | | Cloud DaaS

More services and data than ever are stored on the cloud instead of on devices. Companies had to adapt as work moved out of the office. Many organizations have started utilizing cloud DaaS (desktop-as-a-service) systems to accommodate remote and h...


How vDesk.works Can Be Used in Marketing

How vDesk.works Can Be Used in MarketingMonday, July 04, 2022 | | Virtual DesktopsVirtual Desktops

The marketing landscape is always changing, and marketing professionals must constantly keep up with the newest trends. The types of marketing done today are outbound or digital. Outbound marketing includes traditional methods such as cold calling...


SaaS Cloud PCs versus Do-It-Yourself Virtual Desktops

SaaS Cloud PCs versus Do-It-Yourself Virtual DesktopsWednesday, June 29, 2022 | | SaaSCloud PCSaaS Cloud PCsSaaSSaaS Cloud PCsCloud PC

We frequently discuss the advantages of SaaS cloud PCs over alternatives such as virtual desktops and physical PCs. The do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to end-user computing has become increasingly popular. Some IT departments are in charge of manag...


Cloud PC and How it is Changing the Way the Education Industry Functions in 2022

Cloud PC and How it is Changing the Way the Education Industry Functions in 2022Monday, June 27, 2022 | | Cloud PCsCloud PC

The education industry has experienced many changes over the last few years. The arrival of digitalization and new technologies has transformed the way educators used to teach and how students used to learn. The COVID-19 pandemic also forced schoo...


5 Steps for Planning a Dynamic Cloud Computing Strategy

5 Steps for Planning a Dynamic Cloud Computing StrategyTuesday, June 21, 2022 | | Cloud ComputingCloud ComputingCloud Computing ServicesCloud Computing Services

Today, IT companies use public cloud computing services as they need the scalability and flexibility of cloud services to respond to ever-changing economic conditions efficiently. However, only a few organizations fully optimize the public cloud a...


How is a Cloud Virtual Desktop Useful for Businesses?

How is a Cloud Virtual Desktop Useful for Businesses?Thursday, June 16, 2022 | | Virtual DesktopsCloud Computer

Traditional IT practices have become less relevant as we leave the pandemic behind. Advanced technological innovations have opened new paths for the business world, including the widespread adoption of cloud solutions like virtual cloud desktops.<...


The Age of Cloud PC: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

The Age of Cloud PC: What Is It and Why Does It Matter? Tuesday, June 14, 2022 | | Virtual Desktop InfrastructureVirtual Desktop ProvidersVDI

Ever since the world entered the Covid-19 pandemic, the whole concept of work has been changed. Gone are when people had no option other than working from the office. Nowadays, remote or hybrid working has become a common phenomenon worldwide...


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